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كتاب كم قديم غدا pdf

كتاب كم قديم غدا

عدد التقيمات : 0
حجم الملف

عن الكتاب

تنتقل موضوعاته ما بين الطبيعة وأسرارها والفلاح والسنبلة ورغيف الخبز، وصولاً إلى الحياة والموت. وهي موضوعات تطرق إليها الكاتب اللبناني في مرات سابقة، إذ كما هو معروف عنه انه شاعر الطبيعة والمرأة.أفكار تجمع بين البساطة والعمق، وجمل سهلة ومركبة في آن واحد، يصوغها الشاعر كعادته، مكثرا من الأضداد والثنائيات، وهذا ما نجده من العنوان القديم والغد.
كم قديم غدا

عن المؤلف

جوزف حرب

Joseph Harb is a Lebanese poet and writer. Born to a police officer, he moved quite often from Alnakoora to Soor to Tarazieh in Qadaa Jebayel where he, with his sister Josephine, went to Dar Elrahbat 'Nuns School' for five years. There he was the only boy in his class. He used to read the scriptures and that exposed him to the Arabic language. He wrote and published his first poetry book/Diwan when he was 17 years old. He is a Marxist, like his friend Ziad Rahbani. They both worked on a number of songs which Fairuz has performed. Harb also wrote poems which the late Philemon Wehbe composed and Fairuz also sang. There are other songs which he wrote and late Riad Alsounbati composed but haven't been disclosed yet.

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